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Our Expertise

Services are customized to fit the specific needs of the client. A high premium is placed on ensuring professional and ethical services. A holistic approach is followed where the individual is considered in totality within the context of the requirements of a specific Job/Role Profile
Job/Role Profiling

Job Profiles are at the foundation of Talent and Performance Management.


  • It provides the information needed to assess individual competence levels of employees or job candidates and identify critical knowledge, competence and skill gaps.

  • Job profiles also drive selection processes, high quality group training needs analysis, career development programs, succession planning, and performance planning and review.

  • Job profiles are also an excellent mechanism for defining future talent needs and proactively developing the workforce.

Job profiling can be done at the job level (e.g. customer service representative) or for a family of positions (e.g. Sales) or for a level within the organization (e.g. Middle Management) or for a
talent pool (e.g. High Potential Candidates). A job profile builds upon traditional job descriptions to provide the additional information needed for effective talent and performance management.


The process can be tailored to specific circumstances by adding additional elements or by simplifying elements.

Psychometric Assessment

Psychometric Assessment manages risk by ensuring that you don't select , employ, develop and promote people who are not fit for a specific role in your organization. We approach Psychometric Assessments in a professional and ethical manner by adhering to the following principles:

  • Reliable and valid instruments are used to ensure a culture fair assessment that is aligned with all legislation

  • Candidates can be assessed in a variety of geographical regions

  • Assessment results are aligned with job/role profiles

  • All candidates and relevant company representatives (i.e. Line Managers and HR) receive personal feedback)



Multi-source (360 degree) Assessments
Development Centres

A Development Centre is an integrated,  structured and customized process that uses group and individual simulations as well as psychometric instruments to determine an individual’s ability, skills, and training needs in an organizational specific leadership context. The individual’s performance is evaluated against a number of competencies as being of critical importance for an effective manager-leader.  It is therefore an approach to obtain an indication of an individual’s competence to perform at a specific level and/or potential level in the client organization.

Assessment is done by using a combination of behavioral simulation methods (i.e. interactive versus paper/e-mail, strategic versus day-to-day, individual versus group simulations, etc.) as well as psychometric instruments. The information generated from the assessments is used to classify the individual on one of three levels:

  • Turn/ Promotable Potential.

  • Growth Potential (Refinement of specific development areas)

  • Mastery Potential (Development required to meet the demands of the current role/position).


Leadership Development

We design customized multi-source assessment instruments to assess a variety of functional and behavioural competencies for our clients.

Organisational Development

Success Strategies has designed and compiled a “Toolkit for Leaders”, and this is not the typical Leadership Development Program. Leading figures within our clientele believe the content is unique because of the following elements:

  • It is specifically focused on the leader in the South African context - not American, generic jargon. It is focused on the most important outputs of the relevant leadership position.

  • It considers the human aspect of realities that confront South African industries – it is multi-cultural in contents and it is presented by a team of highly qualified and experienced facilitators from different cultural and academic backgrounds.

  • It is designed in the Power Hour Format – Our experience shows that it’s futile to send the average supervisor or manager on a 3-5 day course and expect miracles in terms of behaviour change. We achieve much better results with high intensity (5-8 hour sessions) in the context of a process approach. We expose a maximum of 15-20 leaders per group over the course of six to ten months to the different success strategies for leaders.

Individual Coaching

The outcome of the assessment of an individual frequently indicates gaps between the required competence level of a specific role/position and the current functioning of the individual. Professional Coaching is an effective mechanism to address the individual development needs in a customised, confidential and holistic manner. Individual Coaching is applicable on different levels ranging from high potential candidates to an executive level.

Success Strategies offers services to its clients through specializing in High Performance Culture Development processes. Our experienced team of facilitators offers the capacity to involve leaders and employees on all levels in the organization. This affords the opportunity for each individual (irrespective of cultural background) to express him/herself in his/her mother tongue to ensure maximum participation. We believe in a structured, process approach to organizational development based on the fundamental principles of Change and Diversity Management.


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